February 22, 2016

MS SQL : Function to Convert INR Value

Function (numberVar Amount)
numbervar RmVal:=0;
numbervar Amt:=0;
numbervar pAmt:=0;
stringvar InWords :="";
stringvar ckAmt:="";
Amt := ABS(Amount);
ckAmt := CSTR(ABS(Amount));

if Amt > 10000000 then
    RmVal := truncate(Amt/10000000);
if Amt = 10000000 then
    RmVal := 1;
if RmVal = 1 then
    InWords := InWords + "1,"
else if RmVal < 10 and RmVal > 1 then
        InWords := InWords + ToText(RmVal,0) + ",";
       // Amt := Amt - Rmval * 10000000;
    if  RmVal >= 10 then
        InWords := InWords + ToText(RmVal,0) + ",";
        Amt := Amt - Rmval * 10000000;
    if Amt > 100000 then
        RmVal := truncate(Amt/100000);
    if Amt = 100000 then
        RmVal := 1;
    if Amt < 100000 then
        RmVal := 0;
    if (RmVal = 1) And (Len(InWords) = 0) then
        InWords := InWords +  ToText(RmVal,0) + ","
    else if RmVal = 1 then
        InWords := InWords + '0' + ToText(RmVal,0) + ","
    else if (RmVal < 1) and (Len(InWords) > 0) then
            InWords := InWords + "00,";
         if RmVal < 10 and RmVal > 1  and (Len(InWords) > 0) then
            InWords := InWords + "0" + ToText(Rmval,0) + ","
        else if RmVal < 10 and RmVal > 1 then
            InWords := InWords + ToText(Rmval,0) + ",";        
         if  RmVal >= 10 and RmVal < 100 then
            InWords := InWords + ToText(RmVal,0) + ",";
            Amt := Amt - Rmval * 100000;
            if Amt > 1000 then
                RmVal := truncate(Amt/1000);
            if Amt < 1000 then
                RmVal := 0;
            if Amt = 1000 then
                RmVal := 1;
            if RmVal = 1 and (Len(InWords) > 0)  then
                    InWords := InWords + "0" + ToText(RmVal,0) + ",";
            if RmVal = 1 and (Len(InWords) = 0)  then
                    InWords := InWords +  ToText(RmVal,0) + ","
                else if (RmVal < 1) and (Len(InWords) > 0) then
                   InWords := InWords + "00,";
                    if RmVal < 10 and RmVal > 1  and (Len(InWords) > 0) then
                        InWords := InWords + "0" + ToText(RmVal,0) + ","
                    else if RmVal < 10 and RmVal > 1  then
                        InWords := InWords +  ToText(RmVal,0) + ",";           
                    if RmVal >= 10 and RmVal < 100 then
                        InWords := InWords + ToText(RmVal,0) + ",";
                        Amt := Amt - Rmval * 1000;
                        if Amt > 99  then
                            if Amount >=  0 then
                                InWords := InWords +  ToText(Amt,0)
                                InWords := "-" + InWords +  ToText(Amt,0)
                        else if Amt > 9 and (Len(InWords) > 0) then
                            if  Amt > 9 and  Amt < 9.999 and (Len(ckAmt) > 5)
                                InWords := InWords + "00" +ToText(Amt,0)
                            else if  Amount >=  0 then
                                InWords := InWords + "0" +ToText(Amt,0)
                                InWords := "-" + InWords + "0" +ToText(Amt,0)
                        else if Amt >= 0 and (Len(InWords) > 0) then
                            if Amount >=  0 then       
                                InWords := InWords + "00" +ToText(Amt,0)
                                InWords := "-" + InWords + "00" +ToText(Amt,0)
                        else if Amt >= 0 then
                             if Amount >=  0 then       
                                InWords := ToText(Amt,0)
                                InWords := "-"+ ToText(Amt,0)


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