November 7, 2014

Android 5.0 Lollipop VS Android 4.4 Kitkat

The announcement of Android 5.0 Lollipop has, indeed, incorporated another achievement in the kitty of Android in terms of technological advancement. Android L is, certainly, considered to be one of the biggest updates by Android as of now due to the incredible changes and upgraded progressions. The new version of Android was announced recently at a conference in San Francisco with tons of changes, especially for developers. At present, it is available only in Google Nexus 6 and Google Nexus 9 tablet. However, there is a lot of chit-chat and gossip in the market about the features that both Kitkat and Android L provide to the users, and which is the best. Have a look at what more or less Android L is providing, and whether it is better than Android 4.4 Kitkat or not.

On-screen buttons and color vibrancy
The very obvious feature that Android L will provide its users is the brightness in the graphics and extremely vibrant picture quality. Other than that the on-screen buttons are entirely different from that of the Kitkat version. It actually reminds one of the gaming console buttons rather than being Android menus.

Lock Screen and Background
The notifications can now be easily accessed from the lock screen, and there are few notifications as well that can be answered from the lock screen only. This feature is not present in the Kitkat 4.4.
The dark back background present in the Android Kitkat 4.4 has now been replaced with the dash of bright grey color that helps the text to emphasize more.

Battery Life
With the help of project volta, Android L has finally started to help OEM, which has resulted in an extended battery life. This facility gives two prime power saving modes to Android L, one is to provide an extended battery life with the help of low-drain mode, and the other is to open up the data. Project Svelte was designed for the purpose of Android Kitkat, but on the contrary, Project Volta is basically meant to target the individual apps. This helps the developers to counter the battery drain by making changes in the codes for individual apps, which helps Android L powered device to run relatively for a longer time.

Google has put a lot of efforts in ensuring that Android L is the fastest till date. It is built on brand new platforms that works much faster than any other version of the Android. It has now been made standard, and is compatible with MIPS platforms, ARM, and x86. It runs twice faster than that of Dalvik runtime, which is found in previous versions of Android.

Improved Graphics Quality
The mobile gaming industry has gradually improved itself with the development of GPU’s. The recent boost that Android saw lastly was with Android’s previous version, 4.3 Jelly Bean. After that Android Kitkat 4.4 brought along with it some extremely impressive gaming abilities. Now, Android L will also offer its users a pristine and improved graphics quality.

UI or User Interface
The major change that users are going to notice in Android L is the entirely new design language that has been exclusively used for Android L, and was missing earlier from the whole ecosystem of Android.  Android 4.4 suffered the problem of mishmash of apps. The apps were different in some or the other way from each other. This diversification has now been resolved to give way to a whole new unified device. This new design has also almost brought a 3D effect on the user interface.

Google believes that there are almost 1 billion Android users around the world who check their phones almost 100 times a day. It also believes that most of the users either use a password or pattern to lock their phones. Android Kitkat has, in fact, various ways to unlock the device, like password, face recognition, pattern, and PIN, which is a little time taking. Android L comes with a fresh and new personal unlocking feature, which enables the device to determine whether it is in a trustworthy atmosphere or not, like in the owner’s hands. This takes place with the help of any Bluetooth device, like a smart watch, or the owner’s voice print.Indeed, Android L has come up with various fresh advancements and features, which will be enthusiastically adopted by loyal Android users.
MobileAppProvider has also become well-versed with the characteristics and attributes of Android L, and has well adapted it in its mobile application development strategy so that the clients can be contented to the best possible level.


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