September 5, 2013

Create and Configure Virtual Directories in IIS 7.0

To create a virtual directory by using IIS Manager

1. In IIS Manager, expand the local computer and the Sites folder, and then find the Web site that you want to add a virtual directory for. Use the following steps:

o For , right-click the site or folder where you want to create the virtual directory, and then click Add Virtual Directory.

o For Windows Server 2008, right-click the site or folder where you want to create the virtual directory, click Manage Web Site, and then click Add Virtual Directory.

2. In the Add Virtual Directory dialog box, specify the following information:

o Alias. Type a name for the virtual directory. Choose a short name that is easy to type, because the user types this name to access the Web site.

o Physical Path. Type or browse to the physical directory that contains the virtual directory. You can select an existing folder or create a new one to contain the content for the virtual directory. 

3. To provide credentials to connect to a UNC path, click the Connect as button.

4. Click OK.